The Knights of Saint Thomas, an Order of chivalry and knighthood

Hospitallers of Saint Thomas of Canterbury

An order of chivalry or an order of knighthood, is an order of knights, typically founded during or inspired by the original Catholic military orders of the Crusades and paired with concepts of Christianity and ideals of chivalry.

In the annals of history, the legacy of chivalry stands as a testament to the noblest virtues of humanity. This legacy continues to inspire generations, resonating with timeless ideals of honour, duty, and compassion. The Hospitallers of Saint Thomas of Canterbury, usually called Knights of Saint Thomas, proudly carries this legacy forward, inviting individuals from all walks of life to join us on a journey of service, integrity, and camaraderie.

Discover our Order of knights: 

The Hospitallers of Saint Thomas of Canterbury is a uniquely British chivalric order that stand as a symbol of patriotism, inspired by the valiant deeds of ancient English Crusaders and the unwavering spirit of British medieval knights. Preserving this tradition, our Order of Knights takes as its spiritual patron the revered English saint and martyr, Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, who was martyred in 1170. Additionally, we commemorate the legacy of King Richard I, who founded the historical order during the Third Crusade. True to its roots, Knights of Saint Thomas accept only British citizens or permanent UK residents as members, ensuring a deep connection to British heritage and identity. Our order of chivalry is a living embodiment of fostering a profound dedication to charitable causes, contributing to the betterment of communities across the UK, our organization ensures that its values of service, honour, and tradition remain vibrant and relevant in modern society.

order of chivalry

Reviving the Chivalric Code: 

Reviving the chivalric code of knights is not merely a journey into the past; it is a bold step towards a brighter future. In a world marked by division and discord, the principles of chivalry or knighthood offer a path towards reconciliation, understanding, and mutual respect. As modern-day knights, we embrace the challenges of our time with courage and conviction, guided by the timeless wisdom of our forebears. Through our words and deeds, we seek to inspire others to embrace the virtues of honour, duty, and compassion, forging a legacy that will endure for generations to come.

A Diverse Order of Knighthood in the UK:

Within the ranks of our Order of Chivalry, diversity and inclusion are celebrated as sources of strength and unity. We welcome individuals, regardless of background, denomination, disability, gender, or race, to form an elite committed to justice, fairness, and equality. We challenge discriminatory practices and advocate for a society built on compassion and respect. In our meetings, knights and dames stand shoulder to shoulder, united by a common purpose and shared devotion to noble ideals.

Active Participation in Charitable Endeavours: 

Service lies at the heart of our mission, driving us to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. Through active participation in charitable endeavours, we extend a helping hand to the marginalized, vulnerable, and oppressed. From providing aid to the sick and impoverished to championing causes of social justice and human rights, our collective efforts serve as a beacon of hope in the UK.

order of knights

An Order of Chivalry in the Modern Era: 

In an age defined by rapid change and uncertainty, the principles of chivalry offer guiding, making brighter the path towards a more just and compassionate society. Our Order of Chivalry stands as a bastion of these timeless values, championing integrity, honour, and humility in all our endeavours. As an Order of Knights, we recognize the importance of adapting to contemporary complexities while remaining steadfast in our commitment to ideals that have stood the test of time.

Recognition of Excellence and Contributions: 

Excellence deserves recognition, and within our Order of Chivalry, we honour those who exemplify the highest standards of service and dedication. Through promotions, awards, and commendations, we celebrate the achievements of our knights and dames, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps. Our recognition of excellence extends beyond individual accomplishments to encompass the collective contributions of our entire community, acknowledging the transformative power of unity and collaboration.

Living with a sense of purpose: 

If you are ready to embark on a journey of service, integrity, and honour, we invite you to join the ranks of our Order of Knights. Together, we will uphold the noble traditions of chivalry, fostering a community built on principles of justice, fairness, and compassion. Whether you are a dedicated individual or a newcomer to the realm of knighthood, there is a place for you within our ranks. Join us as we strive to make the world a better place, one noble deed at a time. Let us together uphold the timeless values of chivalry and make a tangible difference in the lives of the poor, sick, persecuted, elders, needy, helpless, hungry, cold, and unprotected.

 “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” - Mark 9:35

Knighthood has a storied history, where knights were revered not only for their martial prowess but also for their adherence to a code of conduct known as chivalry. Central to the chivalric code were the seven virtues that defined the ideal knight.


Courage was the bedrock upon which a knight's character was formed. Knights faced perilous situations on the battlefield, confronting formidable opponents and life-threatening challenges. Their ability to remain steadfast and composed in the face of such dangers set them apart and earned them great respect. However, courage for a knight went beyond physical bravery. It encompassed moral courage—the willingness to stand up for what was right and just, regardless of the consequences. Historical accounts of knights like Sir Gawain, who faced the Green Knight with unwavering courage, and Joan of Arc, who led armies fearlessly, exemplify how courage defined their legacies. Their fearlessness in the face of adversity continues to inspire people to this day.


Honour was essential in a knight's life, shaping every aspect of their conduct. Knights held their honour in the highest regard, considering it a matter of great pride to uphold their promises and commitments. They understood that their actions reflected not only on themselves but also on their families, their liege lord, and their entire order of knighthood. Thus, maintaining a reputation for integrity and loyalty was of utmost importance. Knights were expected to be virtuous, noble, and just in their actions, treating others with respect and kindness. They were willing to make personal sacrifices to uphold their honour, knowing that it was the foundation of their character and the key to earning respect and admiration.



Justice held a central position in knighthood. Knights were seen as protectors of the innocent and champions of justice. They were skilled warriors and enforcers of law and order, ensuring that justice prevailed and the weak were shielded from harm. Knights often served as judges and arbiters, making impartial and fair judgments to maintain an equitable society. Their dedication to justice earned them immense respect, and their actions were guided by a desire to make the world a better and more just place for all.


Despite being renowned warriors, knights possessed a deep understanding of the value of mercy. They knew that true strength was not solely about overpowering others but also about demonstrating compassion and empathy. In the midst of fierce battles, knights often exhibited remarkable acts of mercy, sparing their adversaries and showing clemency. This virtue made them formidable foes on the battlefield and elevated them as symbols of benevolence and humanity. The decision to spare an opponent in battle was a demonstration of inner strength and self-control, showcasing their mastery over emotions and commitment to a higher moral standard.


Generosity was highly esteemed in knighthood, playing a pivotal role in elevating a knight's character. Knights were not only warriors but also patrons of the arts, knowledge, and benefactors to the less fortunate. They used their wealth to support various causes, fostering a flourishing cultural environment. Knights sponsored artists, musicians, craftsmen, scholars, and academies, facilitating the spread of learning and enlightenment. Their generosity extended to the less fortunate, demonstrating their compassion and concern for their fellow human beings and fostering a sense of community and social cohesion.



Faith held a significant role in knighthood. Knights were often deeply rooted in their religious convictions, drawing inner strength and guidance from their faith. They viewed their knightly duties as a divine calling, considering their role as protectors and defenders of the innocent as a manifestation of their faith in action. During perilous times, their faith became a beacon of hope, allowing them to face daunting odds with fortitude and fearlessness. Faith provided knights with a moral compass, helping them make just choices and find purpose in their actions.


Nobility in knighthood transcended mere lineage and titles, encompassing a deeper sense of moral and spiritual greatness. Knights were expected to exemplify virtues such as humility, graciousness, and honor. They were seen as role models, demonstrating the values of chivalry and inspiring others. True nobility was earned through character and adherence to the code of chivalry, not just social status. Knights recognized that arrogance was not befitting of their noble calling and chose to embody humility and respect towards all individuals.


The seven virtues of chivalry - courage, honour, justice, mercy, generosity, faith, and nobility - continue to hold relevance in the modern era. These virtues are not just archaic ideals but enduring principles that can guide us in becoming better individuals and contributing positively to society. In a world often characterized by chaos and discord, these virtues remind us of the importance of upholding moral values and striving to be honourable in all aspects of life.

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